"When my daughter was diagnosed, Wheels was there to comfort her. She built a relationship with the Wheels volunteers, she was so comforted by you all that she forgot all her pain. I am so grateful to Wheels for caring.” - Sunrise parent
Sunrise on Wheels
Can you imagine a child not wanting to leave a hospital because they’re having so much fun? At Sunrise on Wheels, we see this every day!
Sunrise on Wheels is an innovative initiative that provides children with fun-filled Sunrise excitement while awaiting and undergoing treatment in pediatric oncology units at participating hospitals. Siblings and parents are always welcome and encouraged to participate.
Caring and dedicated Sunrise staff and volunteers happily wheel a rainbow-colored trunk bursting with toys, games, crafts and activities right into many of our affiliated hospitals, transforming what can often be a difficult and scary day into a day of magical camp-like fun!
Our Wheels program, which launched in 2009, engages more than 6,000 children in 21 hospitals annually, ranging from toddlers to young adults. Younger kids can be found giggling as they are creating huge towers with Legos and Magnatiles, coloring their favorite super heroes and cartoon characters, arranging action figures or making fun shapes with Play-Doh. Older children rush in to join a laughter-filled game of UNO with their favorite friends and volunteers, or may instead choose to delve into an intricate art project. And of course, everyone’s day may include “whipping up” some gooey slime!!
The Wheels team complements hospital staff by engaging patients in one-on-one activities and fun, while at the same time insuring that siblings feel recognized and important and offering a much-needed break to moms, dads and caretakers.
Sunrise on Wheels is sponsored by our incredibly generous donors who support our mission to deliver endless smiles, continuous laughter and hours of fun and to children undergoing treatment, their siblings, parents and families.
We have also developed exciting virtual programming for patients and families to enjoy while in the hospital or at home, including Sunrise on Screens and Wheels Up!.

Sunrise on Wheels / Sunshine from Sunrise
Sunshine from Sunrise

Please note: Due to Covid-19, our Sunshine from Sunrise visits are all being done virtually.
Whenever we become aware that one of our campers is hospitalized, parents can request a “Sunshine Visit”, from camp counselors or year-round camp staff, who will visit with a few special surprises and a cheery smile. They will sit at bedside and play with the child, share stories of camp days, and even give mom or dad a drop of respite so he or she can go home for a few hours, change clothes and maybe have a hot meal. The continuity from camp to bedside helps our children feel connected to their counselors, friends and fun, lessening the sense of isolation and fear that a hospital admission can bring with it.
Sunshine from Sunrise is just that – a burst of sunshine during the darkest times, bringing sighs of relief to parents and sounds of laughter from their children. It’s so simple to schedule a visit; all you need to do is call us!
To schedule a visit or if you have questions, please contact Andrea at registrar@sdc-pr.org.